Saturday, December 6, 2008


What do I hope to accomplish through this blog?  I hope that this can be an outlet for me in which I can just type things related to being a law student with as little whining as possible.  If you have gone through law school, you may remember the stress that you went through and the post-traumatic stress disorder that may have resulted as to why you tie a striped/dotted/solid/colorful noose around your neck everyday.  If you are going through law school, you do not need to hear about another's whinings.  If you are about to attend law school, I won't give away all the whinings.  If you are thinking about law school, don't let this detract you; there is a terrific job waiting for you (probably).  If you have no idea what you are doing here, welcome.

As a LegalSmeagol, I imagine I will go through fits of paranoia, fits of happiness, instances of feeling free, and hopeless realizations that I am a slave to the system.  

It should be a terrific road, these next few years.  

* * * * * *

Oh, by the way, I do have a life outside of law school.

hahahahah just kidding.  

But seriously, kind of truth?

I am listening to Kanye West's new album and am enjoying it as I touch up my Civil Procedure outline.  Um.  Word of advice.  Work on your outline throughout the semester as soon as your professor finishes a major subject heading.  Seriously.  

Or just learn the hard way, the most efficient way to learn.  

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